Small Business Administration Loans For Your Business
Earn your Master of Administration degree in Small Business Administration entirely online through Northern Arizona University. Blackhawk Bank works with the Small Business Administration to make its programs accessible to business owners in our community. Here at Blackhawk Bank, we are proud of our ability to help small business owners reach their goals effectively. Once your business has completed several contracts, you will have a good feel for the process and branching out won’t be nearly as difficult.
On Monday (3/09/09) White House officials indicated that that the administration will launch a plan next week that will provide financing, liquidity and guarantees to open up small business lending, which is correctly seen as a key element of economic recovery. KeyBank was selected by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as theĀ 2012 Large 7(a) Lender of the Year. Small Business Development Centers nationwide provide additional one-on-one help.
Marketing plan development: An integral part of growing your business involves marketing. HUBZone – The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities. The purpose of the SBA’s Microloan program is to assist women, low-income individuals, minority entrepreneurs and business owners, and other individuals possessing the capability to operate successful business concerns and to assist small business concerns in those areas defined by the SBA as economically distressed areas.
Must be a for-profit business and meet SBA size standards; show good character, credit, management, and ability to repay. In order to be eligible for this type of business loan a business must have good character, quality management capabilities, and a good business plan. While the SBA website cannot offer legal advice, it can give you an overview of some of the most common legal issues facing entrepreneurs as well as laws and statutes specific to small business. A small business can also benefit from selling its excess products internationally. Valid loans are those where the proceeds of the loan are used for sound business purposes.
A guaranteed loan is one made by a commercial lending institution (usually a bank) to a small business customer. Although there are few things like the value of your firm, residence, IRAS and 401Ks, which needs to be declared on the SBA Form 413, they are not considered by the United States Small Business Administration as a part of the personal net worth limit. License and permit database search: Every business needs at least one license or permit , and oftentimes more than one. Every year hundreds of businesses owners try to make a successful exit by selling their business.