Business Development Jobs, Employment
Every business plan requires promotion and advertising to expand its visibility among the audience worldwide via event marketing. With a current membership of 57 countries, the AIIB is a modern knowledge-based institution focusing on the development of infrastructure and other productive sectors in Asia, including energy and power, transportation and telecommunications, rural infrastructure and agricuclture development, water supply and sanitation, environmental protection, urban development and logistics.
Blogging: hiring bloggers to write articles and reviews about your products, services or solutions is one way to increase your brand presence and awareness over the web, blogs are a good way to generate content and channel traffic to your website, these articles can be shared with other business and news websites which will increase your reach further and allow word of mouth to spread among readers and their network.
What has made this feel safe and sustainable, we have had people with a lot of business experience help us. Besides the Guam SBDC and the Guam PTAC, Jerry Paulino, a local realtor, has mentored me from start to finish, from understanding due diligence to warranty titles, from reminding me to be kind and calm to helping me see the joy in each step.
Yes; sales is part of a business developer’s job, however, one difference between a normal salesman and business developer is that business developer’s do not care about creating hit and run transactions, or win-lose situations, a good business developer would always keep the best interest of all parties involved by constantly creating win-win situations in order to sustain long-term gains.
One way or another, these institutions interact with companies on their growth journey and provide all kinds of resources to support them, including funding and physical work spaces (offices), professional support, advice and mentoring, tools and frameworks, strategy development and operations efficiency, and access to important networks in the business ecosystem.