How to Make Articles that are Interesting to Read, Prospective Authors Enter
Today I am interested in discussing an interesting article, namely how to make interesting articles that are easy to read.
Before proceeding, I tell you first, below there are no SEO techniques that are shared intentionally.
So, this content is specifically for those of you who want to learn to make interesting articles in your niche.
How to make interesting articles
What is the article?
Articles are sentences compiled by an author with various objectives contained in them. Each author has the right to express his views on a matter every time he writes an article.
There are various types of articles in the world of writing. There are persuasion articles, argumentation articles, exposition articles, narrative articles, fiction articles, scientific articles, description articles, and so on.
However, there are no interesting types of articles
Well, if there are no interesting types of articles, why is an interesting article needed?
Interesting articles are ordinary articles of any type of article that have been made in such a way that they are able to viral. So that articles with interesting writing are needed to increase blog traffic.
What are the characteristics of an interesting article?
Characteristics of interesting articles include:
- The title is tempting
- The opening is biting
- The contents are good and not boring
- The cover is cool
So how do you make this interesting article?
How to make it simple. You only need to play around with the words at each point of the above characteristics.
You must be able to play the feelings of visitors just by writing, the format of the article as I mentioned in this article.
Not understand yet?
Well, let me explain the steps to write interesting articles in this tutorial style for all types of articles.
- Give Interesting Titles and Descriptions
Do you know, a good title is a title that contains a clear subject, object, and predicate?
But each of these things is often ignored, because it is considered not SEO Friendly.
Even though using this type of writing format is able to enlarge the blog CTR on the search results page (SERP) for all types of articles (including scientific articles).
No matter how great your article is made, it will not be useful if you determine the title incorrectly.
We can see an example of a title with this principle through an article and article published by us.
Or can also imitate the style of writing this site’s article.
“These 3 Jobs Are Suitable For You Who Are Hooked Around The World”
Then for the description, fill in the same thing, something interesting.
Because usually, besides reading the title, the citizens will also read the description.
If the description is interesting and convincing, visitors will surely believe that the writing presented is also good. After that clicked and visited the site. But if it’s not interesting, it won’t open.
For permalink, what is important can be read.
For example this article, the permalink is– interesting
Foremost, the writing in the article is fun to read because the characteristics of the most interesting articles are the ones.
Give a Picture of a Tempting Thumbnail
I think you understand about this problem because all types of articles on the internet need pictures.
Giving pictures is one way to decorate an article.
Do not let the writing that you publish later becomes unattractive.
Because in addition to writing articles, a Blogger must be able to make the reader not saturated with his reading.
So, you only need to look for images that match the article you are raising.
There are several messages from me regarding this:
- Give high resolution images
- Give pictures that are not cheap or that have been used by many people
- Give a picture that matches the article
- Don’t lie to the reader
- Try to use images obtained from quality image sites
- Regarding size,
- I choose the medium size as a thumbnail (featured article) so that readers can read my article directly. The reader does not need to scroll the page before reading the first sentence of my article.
- For each explanatory picture, I choose an extra large so the reader can easily understand what’s in the picture. If your blog about photography try to use this size too.
Open with a Good Sentence
A good opening is an opening that can make the reader continue to scroll the page to the core of an article with enthusiasm.
Since I got to know the internet, only a few sites have been able to make good articles open and make me scroll through pages.
… the rest just write insignificant sentences, aka nonsense.
Because only the lip service is not clear, I rarely read the opening articles of blogs on the internet.
This kind of writing is boring.
Though this applies to all types of articles.
So how do you open a good article?
In accordance with my thoughts, there are several writing principles that you can try to open an article, but you need to learn to make the language fit.
What are they?
- Questions that make curious
- A shocking statement
- A brief description of the core of the article
this is done so that the bounce rate is not high.
So don’t write articles just to pursue keywords.
Let’s Start Making!
You already know how to make an interesting article to read and now it’s time to apply the tips above in your article to be published directly on the blog or in the newspaper.
It’s a good idea to spread the article writing techniques in this guide so that Indonesian bloggers are getting smarter in making articles.
And according to my promise, I did not share SEO knowledge intentionally in this article. So if you find something useful, congratulations!
Good luck making interesting articles of your own.
But if there is a question, please ask. I will respond.