Business Ethics Track Creighton University
Ethical behavior is the best long-term business strategy for a company—a view that has become increasingly accepted during the last few year. The Faculty Advisory Council is designed to advance a dynamic conversation on current business ethics issues across all Bentley University departments and beyond the Bentley campus. In the case of a company that sells cereals with all-natural ingredients, the marketing department must temper enthusiasm for the product versus the laws the govern labeling practices.
This is because remedies for unethical behavior in business can take various forms, from exhortations directed at private individuals to change their behavior to new laws, policies, and regulations. Our employees are required to report any violations, or potential violations, of our Code of Ethics through our Doing What’s Right program, which includes a whistle-blower hotline and web portal that are managed by a third party.
They also receive course notes with cases and …