British Council
Another hypothesis that bears consideration ( see original post ) is that an organization does not make any decision to act, nor undertake any action as an organization. Primarily, ethics is concerned with the consequences of future actions, as a method to evaluate whether an action that has not yet occurred should be undertaken. Social concern and environment are not going to be the concern and to limit the movement of business. The difference between business and nonprofit organizations would seem to be the generation of profit (a non-profit being, by its very name, and organization that does not generate profit). The concept of good and bad, right and wrong that are applied in the local business must be applied in the international business too.
As worker-bees, we have a responsibility to our customers, our staff, our Boards and shareholders, to serve them with respect and care and make money. How many articles do we have to read about people posting embarrassing pictures or comments about themselves or others before it sinks in that the Internet is forever. Companies which conduct business in an unethical manner run the risk of harming not only its stakeholders, but also the general public.
WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families, business owners and their communities, in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel… and shop. Our Code of Ethics requires that we conduct global business in a moral and ethical manner, and that employees comply with all applicable laws. As with any other organization , a business is created to fulfill a specific purpose, and that purpose is significant in that it drives the behavior of the individuals who carry out the activities of the business.
To let you realize that religion, teaching, ethics involves inappropriate efforts to impose certain values and control behavior, but we believe that employers have a real responsibility to teach employees what they need to know to recognize and deal with ethical issues they are likely to face at work. If the business is doing good and honest service to customer, people will patronize the product and service and profit will come. Parboteeah regularly teaches international management, business ethics, and strategic management at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
As the largest cruise company and one of the largest vacation companies in the world, we recognize our responsibility to provide industry leadership and to conduct our business as a responsible global citizen. The Poe Center seeks to increase student awareness of the importance of ethics in their personal and professional lives. Such code of conduct is not only related to local or national business but also international business particularly multinational companies. Just like universal morality, business must have common moral principles that should be applied everywhere. Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research , at The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania).