With a focus on international business development, emerging markets, intercultural communication and global trends, the bachelor’s degree in Business Management is a perfect match for anyone seeking to work internationally. The Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève (HEG) is located at the heart of a unique international crossroads and is ideally positioned to offer a Bachelor’s degree in International Business Management. Business Accounting Finance for Non-Accountants This module introduces the basics of Management and Financial Accounting for students who do not intend to follow a career in Accounting.

We prepare international business majors to function in a global economy, by combining training in core business disciplines with international experiences and in-depth courses dealing with cultural, political, economic, and international business fields. Like all lawyers, business lawyers enjoy a salary that is higher than the national average for all jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Basic studies provide the student with the basic information needed to understand the fundamental processes of business operations. Learning will take place in small international groups and cover group works as well as small projects.

Researchera identified synergies sought by TNCs in foreign direct investment (FDI) as being motivated by strategies for market seeking (MA), efficiency seeking (ES), and knowledge seeking (KS) respectively, depending on their reading of the business environment. We’re constantly updating the range of modules on offer to reflect the ever-changing world of business.

Employers often include management consulting firms, banks, import/export corporations, multinational manufacturers, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), electronics companies and transportation businesses, including shipping companies and airlines. Increasingly however, there are language intermediaries who could be engaged to conduct business in the local language.

Our academics are experts in their field and work closely with industry to ensure that our courses reflect the needs of business and provide you with that extra edge when it comes to securing a job. On this course, you will learn how to develop your personal effectiveness, and how to operate as an internationally aware, focused individual, capable of operating in the international business environment.