April 2017 ~ The Business Plan
These can include not achieving your desired sales results, adverse responses from competitors, or other problems which are specific to your industry. Keep it concise: All you need is 15 to 25 pages for a good business plan, as long as the plan is clear, concise and contains all of the relevant information, Allen says. Every business has a different location, different team, and different marketing tactics that will work for them. You know the most about the business; and you have the most to gain from a well-constructed and insightful plan.
Vision Statement: This is a short statement that states the future description, purpose and goal of the business; it comes after the business name. Our patented EPSTM feature provides you with the distinct advantage of seeing a FICO-like score for your business plan, on-screen while you’re working on it. The score changes with your inputs, rewarding good planning …