How The Sales Function Can Transmit Company Values
I’m wondering how many people out there still believe sales to be a job that is focused on making money? Specifically, to claim there is no role, there is no relationship or interaction between the business and an individual, and the individual will not be impacted by the actions of the business. Critics of divestment worry about the effects of divestment on innocent third parties (Donaldson 1989) and about the efficacy of divestment in forcing social change (Teoh, Welch, & Wazzan 1999).
They assert that to assume that the primary function of a business is to serve its client base in an ethical manner is idealistic and that the nature of a free economy dictates that ethics must take a back seat to increasing profits. A proactive business leader formulates a statement of organizational values that employees of the company are expected to embrace – at least while performing duties …