Congress created the Small Business Administration (SBA) over half a century ago to help small companies get started, expand, and prosper. Small Business Lending Conference – The National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders (NAGGL) puts on an annual conference on Small Business Lending. The applicant must also have sufficient equity capital so that, with the SBA loan, the business can operate on a sound financial basis. They also have resources where they can assist you with counsel on a variety of information services for your small business in regards to questions with start-up. A good place to start for small business owners in Minnesota is the Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Small business owners can qualify for SDB certification if their personal assets are worth less than $750,000. The definition of a small” business varies by industry and is based on the total number of staff or the total receipts of a business. Planning starts with a review of existing financials, reviewing the business operations to identify improvements.

With business booming like never before, there has never been a better time for investing in a small business in California. Equal Housing Lender We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. However, the SBA does offer many types of grants programs indirectly to benefit small business entrepreneurs. The number one function of these loan programs is to make loans with longer repayment periods available to small businesses.

Here are some of the programs offered by the SBA so that the small businesses can start or run their business very well. Since that time, though, SBA financing as well as government grants for nonprofit organizations and green technology development have changed for the better. Small business is the undisputed engine of job growth and these programs get them the funds they need to operate and expand their business.

The idea behind the SBA-backed loans was that the commercial banking system wasn’t offering small business owners the same types of access to capital to start, grow, and keep their businesses functioning that those financial services institutions offer to larger businesses – given that they often have more assets and collateral, a larger cash flow, and a lengthier and more proven credit history.