Master Program In International Business
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a Bachelor’s degree with a scope of 210 credits (completion time 3.5 years). Our International Business degrees are accredited by the Institute of Export which allows you to acquire an exporting qualification after your studies and strengthens your job prospects in international trade. Global synergies: the reuse or sharing of resources by a corporation and may include marketing departments or other inputs that can be used in multiple markets.
If you want to fast forward your career and become a global leader of the future, choose the Bachelor of International Business. Deree – The American College of Greece, a non-profit institution, admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin and does not discriminate in its programs. You will study Global Challenges for Business and The Business of Edinburgh which introduce key concepts of management and business including strategy, finance, marketing and the management of people. Global business is integral to the success and sustainability of many companies across the nation.
The module will also provide you with an advanced level of knowledge on the concepts of marketing at the various levels of export, international and global marketing; and a detailed understanding of the sources of international marketing information and the factors governing marketing research decisions at an international level. As a graduate of this program, you will be prepared to meet this demand and for an exciting career in importing, exporting, international trade, logistics and marketing within multi-industry sectors.
You will learn how to analyse different business environments and you will understand the development of international business in emerging markets as well as the role of emerging market firms in the global economy. During your first year, you are encouraged to apply for an international exchange, taken in Semester 2 of your second year. Many countries such as China and Japan have many etiquette rules surrounding the exchange of business gifts. This module also seeks to demonstrate how innovation can provide competitive advantage for business firms operating in local, national and international environments. Career in Global business navigates through complex global economic landscapes.
It is hard to imagine a better location for a business school, with close links to the City of London, arguably the world’s leading financial centre. EU students with a viable business plan have the opportunity to apply for a year in enterprise as part of this course. Hymer and Dunning are considered founding fathers of international business as a specialist field of study.