Business Roles
Modern ethics is first and foremost, the science that allows to consider human relationships, as well as to evaluate the behavior of people in terms of generally accepted norms. It’s also worth nothing that property is central to the notion of business, as the chief activities of business pertain not to action, but to property: obtaining property, using it, providing it to others) in exchange for other property), so I expect it is a topic of constant concern. While business generally involves a collection of capital resources, my sense is that this is not a distinguishing characteristic.
To let you realize that religion, teaching, ethics involves inappropriate efforts to impose certain values and control behavior, but we believe that employers have a real responsibility to teach employees what they need to know to recognize and deal with ethical issues they are likely to face at work. If the business is doing good and honest service to customer, people will patronize the product and service and profit will come. Parboteeah regularly teaches international management, business ethics, and strategic management at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
There are economists that assert that, in any competitive economy, ethics are impossible to uphold; that a company can legitimately bypass ethics with the excuse that unethical practices are the only way to make a profit. The prevailing image of the Japanese management system in very large companies is very similar, if not the same as the management system used in small Japanese companies, because business management systems are, after all, a product of their particular national culture. If a student double majors, courses taken as part of the second major fulfill the business electives requirement.
Influence, authority, and orders are substantial factors in decision-making within an organization – but they may also be substantial factors in making any decision in a social environment: the executive in the previous example may have been influenced by a regulator, who was influenced by a politician, who was influenced by his constituency. Hartman/DesJardins Business Ethics is designed to prepare the student to apply an ethical decision-making model, not only in this ethics course but throughout her or his business discipline. Some ethicists see the principal role of ethics as the harmonization and reconciliation of conflicting interests.
Finally, I’ll share how you can increase your success in ethics through leading by example, and how you can spot potential ethics violations, before they do significant harm to your business. The course uses a casuistic method where practical examples and moral dilemmas form the basis for individual assignments and classroom dialogue. This include question about the morality of capitalism or of the laws, regulations, industrial structures and social practices within the country operates. In fact, there is a strange shortage of philosophical literature on business ethics.