Business Plan, Business Plan Templates, Business Plan Samples
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Definisinya It is a written statement setting forth the business’s mission and objectives, its operational and financial details, its ownership and management structure and how it hopes to achieve its objectives (Megginson, 2000) artinya Business plan adalah suatu rencana tertulis yang memuat mini dan tujuan bisnis, cara kerja dan rincian keuangan/permodalan susunan para pemilik dan manajemen dan bagaimana cara mencapai tujuan bisnisnya.
Typically offered through nonprofits, government agencies and corporations, some grants focus on specific types of business owners, such as minorities , veterans and women The downside to free financing is that everybody wants it. It will take a lot of work to find and apply to grants, but time spent searching for free money opportunities could pay off in the long run.
One of the important reasons why you should write your business plan your self is that, you may someday want to present your business plan when negotiating for funding from any institutional investor as part of your proposal, if you are not the originator of the plan, it could mean difficulty defending it and could also mean more embarrassing where the writer happens not to be around.
Business is commercial activity geared toward creating values and meeting needs it is an adventure full of uncertainties business on itself is a big risk especially when done without adequate planning overtime is has been researched and prove why some people do business and fail while others succeed it has been observed that some people go to business without knowing or applying to their business the basics.