Business And Management BA (Hons)
It is often said that management is the activity that entails achieving one’s objectives by utilizing the skills and talents of other individuals. Selecting the right point of sale (POS) system now, will insure you have a system which will not need to soon be replaced, it will help you to grow by providing the information and data needed for short and long-term planning, and insures you will not need to look for alternatives as you expand your business. Marisa earned her master of arts degree from Sam Houston State University and is currently pursuing an Ed.D. through Liberty University. What I have found to be useful is to develop an Entity-Level Business Model based on a standardised framework as the starting point for business modeling.
The labour sector is currently challenging in different economies and with many markets issues obtaining appropriate talented executives for basic business positions, everything points to the simple fact, which was really high priority should be given to talent. The mission and vision statement must be similar to your competitors.Business plan writing needs enough time and skills and executive summary, mission and vision statement are the most important elements that grabs the reader’s attention. The Business School runs a Career Development Week for all Business School students to give you an insight into possible career options.
The rationale behind this course is to enable the learner to utilise the theory learnt during the course of the first and second year levels top produce a practical and applicable planning document for the establishment of a viable business. Top level management is related to develop attitude and is concerned with the broad policy framework. There are three types of business processes: Management processes, Operational processes, and Supporting processes. Bookkeeping spreadsheets provide an essential accounting tool for every business to achieve these objectives. This module adopts Critical Management Theory (CMS) to explore and evaluate current Western management and leadership practices.
It expands on the fundamentals and basics to enhance students’ understanding of the role of data and the use of statistical techniques in business. In for-profit work, management has as its primary function the satisfaction of a range of stakeholders This typically involves making a profit (for the shareholders), creating valued products at a reasonable cost (for customers), and providing rewarding employment opportunities (for employees).
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to provide students with a sound understanding of the role and functioning of production and operations management, selected design, planning and control tasks and responsibilities of production and operation managers and productivity management with regards to the management of operations in organisations. Successful learners would be able to act as change agents ensuring that business entities not only have the competitive edge through new products, services and processes, but lead to companies being more effective and efficient.